(Approved during the 1st University Council Meeting of the University of the Philippines Open University)
An applicant is granted admission for a specific semester/term. If, for some reason, the applicant cannot enter the University in the term applied for, he/she may request deferment of admission to a later term.
The request for deferment should be made not later than one month after the start of the term to which the student is first admitted. The start of the term refers to the first day of classes as stated in the official university calendar.
Deferment of admission may be granted for a maximum of 12 months from the original term of admission. Applicants who wish to activate their deferred admission should write the University at least two months before the beginning of the term in which they wish to register, or at least two months before the end of the 12-month period of deferment to confirm their registration in the coming term. Failure to do so will mean having to re-apply for admission.
You may refer to the UPOU Registrar website for more deferment-related information.